Freedom is living without conflicts

Quickly regain the Capacity to Act

Experiencing conflicts is part of human nature, because of our different personalities and individual needs. Many times we can sort it out on ourselves, however, sometimes it feels good to get help.

  • Does an argument rob you of a lot of energy?
  • Have you not dared to address certain issues so far?
  • Do you want to have a say in the outcome of your discussions?
  • Do you feel like not being heard and understood so far?
  • Do you want to save time?
  • Do you want to get along well with each other in the future?

Contact me

5 Phases of Mediation

PRELIMINARY CONSULTATION (free of charge): first contact with me, your mediator, to clarify whether your concerns are suitable for mediation.

FIRST MEETING (free of charge): getting to know each other and clarifying the conditions (process, duration, costs, location, …) At the end of the meeting, you decide whether you want to work with me.

Collection of your topics: What has happened? What is it about? In which order would you like to discuss your topics?

Presentation of your respective points of view: What is important to each of you? Moderated discussion with the aim of changing perspectives and achieving mutual understanding.

Developing ideas for solutions: Selection, feasibility check and detailing of solution options that all parties agree on.

Written agreement: signing of the solutions developed, which are legally binding. If desired, the solution can be evaluated and, if necessary, readjusted in a follow-up meeting after a few months.

Structure & Principles

In mediation I help you to find clarity again in a protected setting through a structured procedure. Whatever is discussed remains between us – I am legally bound to confidentiality.

I am neutral in terms of content and, with an unbiased view, ensure that you find agreeable solutions to your issues on the basis of a new mutual understanding – whereby the outcome of a mediation is always open. Even if you go separate ways afterwards, you will have clarified the conflict to such an extent that you can close the issue in inner peace and without resentment.

Small Impulse Big Effect

Your step into mediation for more clarity in …

Professional Context

Conflicts at the workplace, between internal / intercultural teams, supervisors – employees, management – works council, in family businesses, institutions, start-ups, in inter-company conflicts, company succession or international negotiations

Private Context

Conflicts as a couple, between friends, siblings, neighbours, parents – children, inheritance, separation, divorce, in intercultural constellations, patchwork families or residential/house communities

Small Impulse Big Effect